Monday, October 18, 2010

Who Hates Puppies?

Once watched a show on Discovery or Nat Geo that explained why babies are so attractive in nature.   Whether through scent, appearance, or sound, Mother Nature saw fit to make babies pretty irresistible – literally.  The show purports that infants in all species are attractive to keep them cared for, and keep parents from abandoning them when they need care so desperately.

So of our own species we have to ask, Who Hates Puppies?  Well, you’d think that would be a tough question to answer, but the behavior of some tells me they just aren’t natural creatures themselves to reject these little pups. 

One puppy arrived because the ‘owner’ was kicking the little guy and force-rolling him down a hill.  Concerned people saw, pictured, and called police.  A crack-pipe was found in the persons’ pocket, the puppy was taken away, and taken to this shelter.

One puppy was found with a sibling, in a box that someone happened upon.  Abandoned and cold, we don’t know where the mother is or any other litter mates are, and their little faces, little eyes tell us, they don’t know either.

One puppy was dropped off by an ‘owner’ who stated he just couldn’t care for him or the four siblings anymore after raising them for five months.  When asked if they were healthy or any concerns we should know about – “Na man, they’re all good.”  About an hour later and two of the puppies were spilling blood from mouths and rectums because the Parvo was that bad.  Another showed similar symptoms of a virus so advanced there is no help for them, and only two remain.  These two may or may not live since this virus kills 80% of puppies inflicted.  Worse, because of this ‘owner’ bringing in pups he HAD TO KNOW WERE SICK, he’s now exposed over 80 other dogs in the kennel to this highly contagious virus.

So you have to ask, Who Hates Puppies?  I don’t know what is wrong with them, but obviously they’re unnatural.  Maybe that means they’re just evil.

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